WWW.TORAHFORME.COM : Download free mp3 classes in Torah, Mishna, Halacha, Hashkafa, Relationships, Mussar, Midrash, Pirkey Avot, Rambam, Tanach, Parsha, and more!!


Dear Listener,


Rabbi Frankenthal is a lecturer in Machon Meir and Rabbi of Congregation Tifereth Yaakov in Kochav Yakov. Rabbi Frankenthal learned by Rabbi David Feinstein shlit"a and received Rabbinic ordination from him. Rav Frankenthal also learned under Rabbi Berel Wein shlit"a in, Rav Pessin zts”l, Rav Moshe Halberstam zts”l (Badats Eidah Chareidis), Rav Meir Treger Shlit”a (Rav Kehilat Avrechim Givat Shaul), Rav Nevinstal Shlit”a, Rav Avrohom Shapiro zts”l.

Who can benefit from the Classes:

The classes were mostly given to students of Machon Meir, and they are geared to a broad audience. On the site you will find classes in Basic Judaism through advanced. You will also find classes in Cantilation Notes of Tanach (Including Tehillim, Iyov, and Mishley) and oral redaction of Tanacha, Mishna, Talmud, and Midrash.

We hope you enjoy and benefit from this website.


Mission Statement

Our goal is to make Torah accessible. The Torah is a gift God gave the Jewish people. The Torah has insights for all of us. The site aims to help beginners, intermediate and advanced Torah learners.


Overview of the Series:

§  613 Mitvot - short shiurim that summarize the mitzvot (commandments). They help people realize what we do during the day that is a mitzvah, takanah d'rabanan etc.

§  Bible Classes are geared to all. They incorporate the words of Chazal (Our Sages) in a quick overview of the stories of Tanach. I hope they can also help teachers preparing classes in Tanach. If anyone needs the sources for the classes, please contact me.

§  Bible Tanach

o       Neviim Ketuvim Prophets and Writtings

§         Mishley English and Hebrew Classes – Proverbs- Our classes go slowly and try to get a basic understanding of the message being given by King Solomon.

§         Shoftim , Shmuel, Melachim multiple series recounting the stories of Tanach quickly. This is an easy way to get to know Tanach. (the Previous Series are series from previous years)

§         Tehilim Classes Classes on Chapters of Psalm, Kind David's prayers · 


§  Dov's Minute 1 minute classes on tefilah (prayer)

§  Jewish Agadah Stories:

o       Agadot Hatalmud -Agadic parts of Talmud, short classes with a lot of content

o       Ein Yakov Agadic stories of Talmud, I read the text and translate


§  Intro to Talmud is based on Igeret Rav Shriray Gaon. We expand into the stories of the Gemara (Talmud) and try to get an overview and in-depth understanding of the Historical Development of the Talmud and the Halachic implications.

§  Midrash – we have 2 classes in Medrash – stories and parables, enjoyable learning

o       Tana D'bei Eliyah – Short deep Midrashim. The Gemara tells us that Eliyahu the Prophet taught this work to Rabbi Ana.

o       Pirkey D'rabi Eliezer – One of the earliest recorded Midrashim. We try to cover a chapter each time. Most of our expansion is drawn from the commentary of RadalRav David Lurya

§  Jewish Ethics and Values:

o       Chafets Chaim Ahavat Chesed  - Ethics and Laws of how to do acts of Kindness

o       Pirkey Avoth Lecture (Pshat) -Mishna explaining the ethics of Torah

o       Tomer Devorah - Short Classes on Self Improvement, Through seeing Hashem's kindness

§  Jewish Stories - geared for children please pre-check the classes that say "content not fit for children", I only started labeling the classes that way in the middle of the series, so unfortunately, I don't remember regarding all of the classes which have such content, this is true for all of the website

§  Jewish Thought Emunah Machshavah

o       13 Principles of Faith- The most basic Priniciples of Jewish Thought, Brief Classes explaining each one

o       Drashot Haran - Jewish Philosophy from the scion of Torah, Rav Nissim. This work is a little deep, but with very important concepts

o       Rambam Maimonides

§         Rambam Intro to Mishna - Explanation of the history and system of the oral tradition and Rabbinic Law· 

§         Shemona Perakim- Maimonides introduction to Prikey Avot : understanding the concept of free will and how to work on becoming a better person (perfecting one's traits)

o       Ramban Torat Hashem Temima - many quesions about Judaism are answered in this work by the Jewish Luminary, Ramban (Nachmanodies)

§  Marriage and Dating

o       Binyan Habayit – Jewish Home- classes are geared to helping people learn to build productive and pleasurable relationships with their spouse.

o       Dating Classes are basic guidelines for dating within the Orthodox Dati Le'umi world in Israel. The Social norms in other countries and different parts of the Orthodox world differ greatly. It is not recommended for anyone living outside of this circle.


§  Parsha- Possibly the most important class on our site. Here we try to go through the weekly portion in a quick and deep way. We include many of the Rishonim' commentary. My goal is that a listener who goes through one cycle of learning the Parsha with these shiurim will cover basic knowledge of Torah, Halacha and Jewish Philosophy. Sort of like a Judaism 101 class. At the same time I try to add as much depth as is possible. I hope you enjoy it. Though the class runs approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, I usually spend nearly 10 hours preparing. J

§  Q&A – this is an open session in which people ask any question that is bothering them in Judaism. The questions are varied and interesting. It can also be called the "Ask the Rabbi" session, or FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about Judaism

§  Prayer and Song – here we recorded me teaching the guys at Machon Meir how to sing Jewish Songs. Here you can learn the Jewish Songs that are sung every day, on Shabbat , at Weddings and Festivals, Brit Millah and every occasion. The songs are taught slowly and methodically.

§  Leining Nach – Oral Reading of the Bible with the Cantilation notes.



Important Notice about the Halacha Classes

Halacha (Jewish Law) is dynamic and has to take the individual into account. As such, the Halacha classes have taken into account the primary listening audience – the students of Machon Meir. Certain stringencies and leniencies are invoked taken that into account. Certain stringencies and leniencies are also omitted because of that consideration. It is important to note that although all listeners are welcome, the practical application of Halacha should be only with the consultation of a Rav, and not based on these classes alone.

Notice about the Havara pronunciation of words in the Leining

There are differing opinions as to whether the modern Hebrew pronunciation is acceptable, Halchically.

I read with this pronunciation simply because this is how I was taught as a child.


Leining of Mishley (proverbs) Iyov (Job) and Tehilim (Psalms)

The cantilation notes are different for these 3 books. I learned how to Lein it from a free tape that Rabbi Jeremy Weider was so kind as to transfer to mp3 format and send to my brother Hillel. Thank you very much to both of them.

Please note, this is the only site I know of that offers FREE downloads of Readings of the Rambam, Mishna, and Tanach!! (Hopefully, we will finish those series soon.)

I hope you spread the word to your friends and to any visually impaired (blind) that you know.

May we merit to honour and exalt G-ds name.

N. Frankenthal